Fallout Creator Tim Cain Reveals What It Would Take For Him To Work On The Franchise Again

June 27, 2024 | by


Fallout’s creator Tim Cain would be willing to work on the franchise again, but only if the project meets certain criteria.

2024 is a great year for Fallout fans, with the previously mentioned live-action series undeniably spurring forward a massive increase in interest which resulted in player counts across the franchise’s games skyrocketing and the live-service game Fallout 76 continuing to update with additional content and locations. With Fallout 5 on the way from Bethesda in the future and Prime Video hard at work on Season 2 of the series already, Fallout is central to plenty of conversations at the moment with its growing fanbase and continued love from those who discovered it years ago through gaming. 

Fallout franchise creator Tim Cain has addressed whether or not he would be interested in working on the franchise again in a new video on his YouTube channel following a massive increase in inquiries on the subject brought forth by Prime Video’s live-action series adaptation creating a resurgence of interest in Fallout content overall. In the video Cain is seen discussing not only what it would take to return to the Fallout franchise specifically, but overall insight into the projects he decides to work on throughout his career. To start Cain notes that the response to this specific question is a complicated one, though not for the reasons people would probably assume. 

“Every RPG I ever made offered me something new and different that got me interested in it,” Cain explains early in the video. “It has nothing to do with money, power, authority, role on the game – it was the game itself offered me something interesting that made me go, ‘Oh, I want to do that, I’ve never done that.'”

Cain then talks fondly about his time creating Fallout and takes the opportunity to clarify why he didn’t go on to work on Fallout 2, explaining that following spending three years developing the first Fallout game he wanted to work on something new. This topic spurs the majority of the video, in which you can hear him discuss the various projects over his three decade career that allowed him to work on an aspect in the game that was new experience to him. After this, Cain circles back to the topic of the video – would he work on Fallout again?

“My answer is, ‘What’s new?’ “I didn’t even want to make Fallout 2, why would I want to make a new Fallout game?” he begins. “You’re not asking me a question about money, you’re not asking me a question about power and authority, you’re asking me a personal question with a personal answer, which is, ‘Would this even be something I’m interested in doing because it’s different?'”

Bottom line, if he’s been there and done that, he’s not interested, and with Fallout specifically something as simple as a new Perk won’t cut it, as he notes. 

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