Wordle today: Answer and hint #1135 for July 28

July 28, 2024 | by


Feel free to give the answer to today’s Wordle a click if you need to turn Sunday’s game around in a flash, or take a look at our clue for the July 28 (1135) puzzle if you’d like to try that out first and have a few guesses to spare. Whatever makes Wordle fun for you, we’ve got something here to help you make the most of it.

Oh, that was so nearly a lightning fast win in two. If only I’d had some sort of amazing clue to help guide the way, or maybe even the chance to sneakily peek at today’s Wordle answer, I could’ve avoided being one letter off an incredible win. Go on—treat yourself.

Wordle today: A hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Sunday, July 28

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